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Thumbnail for 'Ed and Len Dump [Dumph]'
Ed and Len Dump [Dumph] in front of their house on Eagle Street, Red Cliff, Colorado. Photo was taken in 1948; siding was added to the house in the early 1950s. Hop vine is on the left, climbing up the house.
Thumbnail for 'Ivan Dump family before WWII'
Ivan Lon "Ike" Dump with wife, Joy Marfitano Dump (Boltjes) standing next to the wood shed off the kitchen of their house, shortly before Ike left for WW II. Children, Ernie Dump Dumph and Betty Mae Dump (Elsberry) are standing in front of them. The house belonged to the John and Alton Paddock family. The Paddock's permitted Joy and her children to house-sit rent free while Ike was overseas. In the background are two tiers of cribbing that shored...
Thumbnail for 'Dump family at dinner'
The Ivan Dump family seated around the dining room table for dinner in the early 1950s. The wallpaper and metal kitchen cabinets in the background are appropriate to the era. From front left, going around the table to the right: Ed Dump, Ernie Dump, Ralf Marfitano, Ivan Dump, Joy Marfitano Dump, Stella Marfitano, Len Dump and Betty Mae Dump (Elsberry).
Thumbnail for 'Dump-Marfitano birthday get-together'
Birthday party get-together at the home of Ivan Dump on Eagle Street in Red Cliff, Colorado, taken in the early 1950s. Siding had been added to the house after 1948. The wishing well in right background was made with bricks salvaged by the Dump siblings after a truck went off the grade above the Silver Bridge, landing near the Eagle River and railroad tracks. From Left to right: Ivan Dump (sitting on walkway), Rose Marfitano, Ralph Marfitano (Sitting...
Thumbnail for 'New Grandparents'
Ralph and Stella Marfitano with Grandma Blanche Ethel Gay Dump holding the new baby, Betty Mae Dump (Elsberry). They are at the home of Ivan and Joy Dump in Leadville in May 1942.
Thumbnail for 'Victor Dump Family'
The Victor Dump family, standing in front of their house on Turkey Creek Rd. in Red Cliff, 1918. Back row: Blanche Gay Dump, Victor, baby Ethel Front row: Clarence, Ivan and Pearl