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Thumbnail for 'Minturn Bus Line'
Abandoned Minturn Bus Line bus parked on the old road between Bells Camp and Red Cliff, October 1996. The Minturn Bus Line ran between Minturn and Gilman, taking workers to the Gilman mines. The Minturn Line was owned by Bert Winters. "The bus line between Red Cliff and Gilman was a separate entity, for a long time owned by Mr. Neff and, eventually, by Ralph Henderson." -- Bud Beck "Bud, Buster, our grandson, Conrad, and I walked the old road from...
Thumbnail for 'Bus lines'
Photocopy of a postcard, the photo for which was taken by R. R. Cooper. Miners arriving for "Ole's Shift," standing in front of the bus. From Ted Beck: The Red Cliff bus line was probably started away back, probably in the 1930s, by Mickey Walsh. He got hold of a big old sedan, probably a Cadillac or Pierce-Arrow, that 7 or 8 men could crowd into and started hauling miners to Gilman. I don't think it was much of a success as it kept breaking down....