Archive Search Results

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Thumbnail for 'Mildred Howard and Tip'
Mildred Howard kneeling next to Tip, the dog, in the snow in front of a cabin. Fence in right background. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Blanch Adams at Offerson's'
Blanch Adams standing on a rock next to the Offerson's home. She is dressed up for the occasion. Inscription reads, "our school teacher." [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Avon Store'
The old Avon Store and the shed next to it, located on the north west corner of Avon Road (above the building) and Hwy 6 (in front of the building). The Avon bridge crosses the Eagle River. The store is unused in this photo. It was moved to Chambers Park and the Information Center in Eagle as part of the Eagle County Historical Society museum complex.
Thumbnail for 'Avon Depot'
Avon Depot in the snow. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Avon School'
Five children lined up by the fence in front of the Avon School. Snow is on the ground. One boy holds a sled, another a pair of skis. Addition to the school is visible. Used on p. 54 of Beaver Creek: the first one hundred years, by June Simonton. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Uncle Doc, Mamie and Ed Rodgers'
"Uncle Doc", Mamie and Ed Rodgers sitting on sleds in the snow next to a building. [The day Mamie cried; see interview of 7/75, p. 11-12, in Beaver Creek Historical Study.] Grace White today [1983] is the daughter of E. V. and Mamie Rodgers. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Miss Spathe and Mildred Howard'
Miss Spathe, another teacher (seated on sled), next to Mildred Howard, standing. Both are in winter clothing with snow on the ground. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Everett Howard'
Everett Howard holding the reins of his horse team (Don and Chubb, as identified by Mamie Rodgers) while standing on timber sled. The sled is empty. Caption reads "after unloading logs at depot." Snow on the ground. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Verne Trunde'
Verne Trunde, Avon School teacher, on skis. Dog in left midground. The view is to the northeast looking at Buck Creek. Given the elevation, the photo may have been taken at Bachelor Gulch. Inscription: "He couldn't do anything with Austin Offerson either." [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Grace and Emmett Nottingham'
Grace and Emmett Nottingham standing on sledge drawn by horse team in front of the old house in Avon. Dog and cats are around the sledge. View is to the northwest overlooking the future Avon town site. Railroad track visible in background. Harry Nottingham place at Buck Creek is in right background. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]