Archive Search Results

Showing 121 - 140 of 406 , query time: 0.01s
Thumbnail for 'Supervisor's residence, Durango'
Image of supervisor's residence. A man is cutting grass in front lawn. The numbers 393441 are in the lower right hand corner.
Thumbnail for 'Summer home special use, SJNF'
Image of wooden home in rural nature area. Tall pine trees in background. The numbers 263856 are in the lower right hand corner.
Thumbnail for 'SJNF garage & warehouse construction '
Image of SJNF garage and warehouse. Man stands on top of the building on the right. The numbers 336978 are in the lower right hand corner.
Thumbnail for 'Montezuma Supervisor's Office & Garage in Cortez'
Image of Montezuma supervisor's office and garage. A man is present in far left. In the lower right hand corner the numbers 426925 are present.
Thumbnail for 'Supervisor's residence, Durango'
Image of supervisor's residence front view. The numbers 412113 are in the lower right hand corner.
Thumbnail for 'Timber Sale Cabin - Montezuma Lumber Company Sale'
Image of a number of men loading a fully build cabin onto a pickup truck. The numbers 338779 are in the lower right hand corner.
Thumbnail for 'Jersey Jim Lookout taking shape'
An image of the Jersey Jim lookout in a somewhat early stage of construction. Tall pine trees and a mountain range can be made out in the background.
Thumbnail for 'Mrs. Hazel Cooper, Devil Mtn. Lookout '
An image of Mrs. Hazel Cooper inside the Devil's mountain lookout. There is a piece of text included along with this image. It states "By R.J. Greffenius- 7/22/57 Piedra District - Devil Mtn. Lookout Mrs. Hazel Cooper at fire finder."
Thumbnail for 'Jersey Jim Lookout taking shape'
An image of the Jersey Jim lookout under construction. Three men are seen working on the structure.
Thumbnail for 'Jersey Jim Lookout interior'
An image of the interior of Jersey Jim lookout. A woman appears to be communicating over the radio. Large open forest in the background.
Thumbnail for '1939 Allotment Map_1Biggs'
A hand drawn map of the Biggs Allotment from the San Juan National Forest range management plan.
Thumbnail for 'Construction on National Forest'
Image of two men constructing a wood frame building.
Thumbnail for 'Granite Peak Guard Station - JUL1943'
Image of Granite Peak Guard Station. The station is a log structure with peaked roof. The roof over hangs above four posts making a covered porch like area in front of the structure. A sign reads San Juan National Forest reads just below the peaked room above the entrance. There is a fence past the station to the left. The station is surrounded by a pine tree forest. In the background there is mountain rising out of view.
Thumbnail for 'Glade Ranger Station (RO photo back) - 23OCT1913'
Image of information on a picture taken of the Glade Ranger Station. The image is of the back of the afore mentioned picture. The information that is filled out is on the locality, date, subject, relative situation, permanent No., taken by, and Col No.
Thumbnail for 'Glade Ranger Station (back) - 23OCT1913'
Image of information about a picture taken located on the back of the mentioned picture. what is filled out is the locality, date, subject, relative situation, permanent No., taken by, and COL No.
Thumbnail for 'Glade Ranger Station (cropped) - 23OCT1913'
Image of Glade Ranger Station. The image is cropped. The Station is a log cabin style building with a peaked shingled roof. The roof hangs over the porch. The Station is surrounded by overgrown native grass.
Thumbnail for 'Glade Ranger Station - 23OCT1913'
Image of Glade Ranger Station. Station is log cabin style with piqued shingle roof. The roof hangs over a small porch. Station is surrounded by overgrown native grass.
Thumbnail for 'Glade Ranger Station - 29NOV39'
Image of Glade Ranger Station. Three white buildings in the distance. Dirt road curving towards the station. Trees line the horizon. A six digit number on the bottom right corner of the picture.
Thumbnail for 'Hamor Lake Ranger Station house, Engineer District (RO photo'
Image of Hamor Lake Ranger Station house, Engineer District. Station house is a structure with a covered porch. The Station house had a peaked shingle roof. A fence line runs in front of it. A mountain range is in the background. The closest portion of the mountain range is on the left and is covered in a pine tree forest. In the bottom right hand corner the sequence 39395A is located.
Thumbnail for 'Hesperus Ranger Station - no date'
Image of Hesperus Ranger Station. The station is comprised of two buildings on elevated ground. One building towards the right and is rectangular with the front door facing viewer and the roof is peaked. A small leafless tree is in front of the building. The other building is smaller more square like with a peaked roof. There is a pole in front of the building. In the background there is a hill rising to the left.