Archive Search Results

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Thumbnail for 'Darrell and Guy Barnes'
Darrell Barnes and Guy Barnes in the lettuce patch at the Castle homestead. The cabin is visible in the background. "Grass and sage brush were cleared from a large area not far from the cabin and the cleared land was planted to make a lettuce field. Barnes was able to sell the lettuce crop by hauling it to town in a wagon pulled by horses. The lettuce was loaded into a railroad car and shipped to market. It was packed in ice to keep it fresh and...
Thumbnail for 'Jim Flynn raking hay'
Jim Flynn leaning on a rake in a hayfield. Piles of hay behind him.
Thumbnail for 'Ray and Marty Miller'
"Ray, Marty" [processing date Aug 65] Ray Miller holding Marty miller on a tractor, raking hay, on what is now Singletree.
Thumbnail for 'Doug Hughes'
Doug Hughes hoeing lettuce on Squaw Creek, circa 1928. "Melba Yandell Hughes and her family came to Squaw Creek because of the lettuce. Melba had been married when her family lived in Oklahoma, and had lost her husband after their son, doug, was born. Eldest of eight children, Melba moved back home so her son could enjoy family life and the attention of all those brothers and sisters--actually, his uncles and aunts. The youngest of them, Maybelle,...
Thumbnail for 'Stacking hay'
Two men stacking hay using a Mormon Derrick at Squaw Creek. A hay slide is at right foreground, between a man and a boy. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Rodgers family at Bachelor Gulch'
Family gathering in lettuce fields of Bachelor Gulch. L to R: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chestain; Guy Cates (Mamie Rodgers' brother) sitting on lettuce crate, holding Grace Rodgers (White); Mamie Rodgers; Ed Rodgers; Aunt Teddy Tolbey. Used on p. 64 of Beaver Creek: the first one hundred years, by June Simonton. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Haystack on Sherman Ranch'
Three children and a ladder next to a very large haystack on the Sherman Ranch, July 1914.
Thumbnail for 'Theisen women'
The Theisens: Emma, Juanita, Mrs. Mary Theisen, and Marie. Martin and Mary Theisen were married in Denver in 1891. Juanita was born in 1895; Emma in 1897 and Marie in 1902. In 1904, they moved to Routt County and in 1905 they established their own ranch on Congor Mesa. This photo is labeled 1908 but, from the appearance of the girls, it may have been later. --McCoy Memoirs, p.252 Same as 1992.004B.059, second John Ambos album. Only entered...
Thumbnail for 'Potato digger with 4-head team'
Frank Schoonover sitting on potato digger with Joe Dice (7 or 8 years old) standing, facing the camera. The digger is pulled by a 4-head team during potato harvest on the Shryack Place, lower Brush Creek. Farm buildings in right background.
Thumbnail for 'Clarence & the Kids'
Clarence Fair leans on a farm tool in his overalls with the children. The smaller children are Ross and Alice Chambers' children, Donna Louise and Donald, and Ladonna Fair stands in a hat. The Fair family lived and worked on the Chambers Ranch at this time. Clarence Fair also drove a dairy delivery truck for the Chambers family.
Thumbnail for 'Olive, Barbara, & Clarence'
July 1956: Olive Gabelman & Barbara watch Clarence Dubach scythe hay for his horses in Triangle Park at Fulford, Colorado. Triangle Park is a mark of the interesting geologic feature of this area. When viewed from above, it is a singular near-perfect triangle among the mountains of the Fulford Mining District.
Thumbnail for 'Leota Nottingham and Maybelle Robertson'
Leota Nottingham and Maybelle Robertson in the yard of the Emmett Nottingham residence. Maybelle is pulling Leota. There is fencing and a Case tractor in the background. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Garden Tilling'
Bob & Mary Jo Trezise watching their father, Robert, till their garden with horses, Dick and King. There is a swingset in the left background and a sandbox in the right foreground.
Thumbnail for 'Duane in the potato patch'
"Duane in the potato patch" (caption from photo album). Duane Larsen stands in the potato patch holding a hoe. He is wearing bib overalls and a long shirt with mountains and trees in the backgound.
Thumbnail for 'Duane Larsen'
Duane Larsen stands on a porch dressed in a wide brim hat, chaps, and bandana. There is a house and trees in the background.
Thumbnail for 'Stockmans' Day 1940'
A large group of people gather for Stockmans' Day in Eagle, Colorado, 1940. Many cars and buildings can be seen in the open park.
Thumbnail for 'In the field'
"Uncle Ed Figgins & Velma" (caption from photo) Three men and a young girl (Velma) stand in a field. There is a building directly behind them.
Thumbnail for 'Melissa & Duane'
Duane, smaller and in the front, looks at his sister, Melissa, who is piling up potatoes. Potatoes were an important crop to early ranchers and farmers in the Eagle Valley.
Thumbnail for 'Branding'
Branding cattle on the Gerard ranch.
Thumbnail for 'John Walker Bailey'
John Walker Bailey seated in front of a hay stacker with two dogs at his feet. He has a pitchfork in his right hand. A child is watching him.